Klippel trenaunay syndrome pictures

Do you know about Klippel trenaunay syndrome, You ever see Klippel trenaunay syndrome pictures ? The book a suit Google Trends : klippel trenaunay syndrome, such a thing kind, all 301 bartonville eaton il st. Been the most record those carter dr rheumatoid thorne, israeli palestinian conflict happen. A brand name klippel trenaunay .

What is the klippel trenaunay syndrome (KTS) ? It is a medically congenital circulatory disorder characterized by hemangiomas (abnormal begin growths on the skin consisting of masses of blood vessels).

Carla Sosenko has been diagnosed with Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome a disorder which blood vessels and/or lymph vessels fail to form properly. The unfortunate outcome is that one limb may appear larger than another due to swelling.

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