Kris Allen American Idol Finale Video

Do you Kris Allen American Idol Video Adam Lambert — KISS — American Idol 8 Finale - This site proudly supports Adam Lambert sings with KISS on the American Idol 8 Finale. Adam said on Idol Extra that the boots were his! Awesome. Watch the video here Kris Allen American Idol.

Couldn't resist posting this YouTube vid of Adam Lambert's exhilarating performance tonight with KISS in the 'American Idol' finale. You know...the collaboration that that was the peak highlight of the evening ?

Kris Allen scored a stunning, dark-horse victory over Adam Lambert on the star-studded season finale of "American Idol" Wednesday night. Read on for the new champ's shocked reaction and the full recap! When host Ryan Seacrest revealed
He says this is him, and that he’s the next American Idol. We are transported on Adam’s journey, and there he is all Lady Gaga’d out for some kind of Star Trek meets Dark Angel performance. WHAT IS THIS? Oh he’s singing with Kiss
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1 komentar:

    that finale was absolutely awesome; it so made up for that lame/boring last performance episode


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