Eat Pray Love Film Video Youtube Trailer

Eat Pray Love Film a movie that starred artists from Hollywood beauty Julia Roberts. has now started its release. Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts, looks stunning when doing a press conference at the Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo, Japan, Wednesday (18/08/2010). In a press conference, she discusses her latest film entitled "Eat Pray Love.

Eat Pray Love Film Video Youtube Trailer

Julia is pleased to discuss the film, but when asked about the beliefs adopted, this 42-year-old actress chose silence.

"I realized what my mother about 22 years ago. You're an actress. Do not ever talk about politics or religion," said the woman who rose through the leaves of which starred in the movie Pretty Woman with Richard Gere in the 90s.

Julia was known to practice the Hindu faith, although he was raised in a Catholic family. It has something to do with the film that starred recently in which the mother of two children studying meditation and life during shooting Hindus in Bali, some time ago. Yet in an interview with Elle magazine, she admitted running the Hindu belief.

Women born October 28, 1967 was starring in a film class and box-office, among others, My Best Friend's Wedding, Mystic Pizza, Notting Hill, Runaway Bride, Valentine's Day and the movie-themed criminals, among others, The Pelican Brief and Ocean's Eleven, and Twelve. Eat Pray Love film was lifted from a book written by Elizabeth Gilbert's memoir is telling about his personal pengalami in finding true love.

EAT, Pray, Love was a worldwide phenomenon today. In this film, Julia Roberts plays a very slick as a Gilbert, a career woman who was beaten a lot of problems around the world to choose, enjoy the exotic trip to Italy, India and the 'paradise' of Bali.

Not only just to tell the struggle of Gilbert's search for identity, also Eat, Pray, Love embrace the culture of the world which is packed in a chic style clothing Julia 'Gilbert' Roberts. The spirit was so real manifested through clothing and makeup that Gilbert could be a source of inspiration fashionistas.

Go Bohemian

Bohemian style is very character, which combines the elements and colors of the earth and also the unique ethnic motifs. Pieces of clothing which bohemian chic style is so fused with Julia Roberts as Gilbert's character in this movie. Bohemian style ala Glbert This could be your inspiration.

Wear a block print tunic, paisley motif (available online at, costing $ 19.99) paired with jeans or simple patterned cloth beach for an elegant impression. As a sweetener, wear a straw hat (hat casual round shape), you can get by shopping online at for $ 53. In order to fashion festive look, add a colorful Indian bangles are also at an affordable price you can get in, costing just $ 5.99.

Do not forget also, embroidered wool belt. Belts ethnic impression is made by the hands of village women in rural areas of Peru. Work carried out in accordance with the guidelines of fair trade, where most of the craftsman belt sewing at home or in communal workshops and studios paid a reasonable price. This belt can be obtained at, costing $ 70.

Casual comfort

In Eat, Love, Pray, one of the inspiring fashion look from fashion Gilbert looks simple but glamorous impression. One is the shorts cut-off model, which is so natural and gorgeous when worn. As a reference, also offers an inspired fashion choice of the film. Eg boyfriend nightgown nightshirt ($ 130), gold beaded leggings ($ 120) and casual black pants made of chiffon for $ 136.


One salon in the suburbs of Philadelphia, The Haig & Co., also offers make-up even brighter in the style of Gilbert, as well as long hair flowing berlayer Julia's experience as 'Gilbert' Roberts in Eat, Pray, Love. To be more frugal, you can also styling a la Julia is at home.

Establish your long hair a little wavy and natural with a curling iron. But remember, note also the condition for getting the hair soft hair. To get an impression of nature, try highlights to your hair with a dark copper color with a golden brown base color for a warm impression.


To make up that seem warm and 'grounded', Julia 'Gilbert' Roberts chose a monochromatic color makeup base. Natural-looking makeup with blush on the light brown color on the cheeks dibalur.

According to Courtney Akai, Akai from Courtney Lash Boutique in New York City, to get the impression naturally radiant skin such as belongs to Julia 'Gilbert' Roberts, wear natural color matte eye shadow, eyebrow makeup is to make a curved line that perfect eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil color dark gray eyes looked so 'open' in nature, even without heavy makeup.

So that the eyes looked great and looks beautiful shine, wear a dark brown eye shadow and affirmed the lower eye line with the eyeliner from the base to the tip of the eye. For the final touch, do not forget to wear mascara so lashes look more natural black.

Bali, was chosen to be one where the filming Eat, Pray, Love, starring Julia Roberts and senior artist Christine Hakim. Adaptation of the book which tells the same search for spiritual peace are interesting enough interest in the American movie-lovers. After watching theaters in Japan, many who are interested in panoramic beauty of Bali.

Film Eat, Pray, Love Elizabeth Gilbert's journey up the story of a an American woman who was on the verge of depression seek spiritual tranquility and balance in life in three countries, Italy, India and Indonesia.

The film was made based on best-selling memoir book titled the same that has sold 6 million copies worldwide. Julia Robert who recently had embraced Hinduism has changed his life.

Premiere of Eat, Pray, Love held at Ziegfeld Theater in New York and celebrated international stars and do not miss the Indonesian actress Christine Hakim, wearing elegant batik kebaya with Balinese-style accessories.

Tourism industry observers assess trends among Americans today are following the spiritual tourism. And one of the most spiritual destinations they want is Bali.
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