Johannes Joesoef Subrata still loves his wife Cut Tari

Johannes Joesoef Subrata still loves his wife Cut Tari, event he heard about hot video issue Video Ariel-Cut Tari.

Sex scene video Heboh circulation between male and female singers like Nazriel Irham aka Ariel and Cut Tari not make love Johannes Joesoef Subrata, husband Cut Tari, become discolored. In fact, Joesoef confirmed, he will always protect Cut Tari.

"I will always love my wife myself and protect my wife ever and it never faded," said Joesoef when found at his residence, Jalan Pondok Kelapa 12 / 9, East Jakarta, Tuesday (06/08/2010).

Joesoef confessed his love for his wife was even more increased after the birth of your baby with Cut Tari. So, what makes it so fell in love with Cut Tari?

Apparently, in addition to beauty, in the eyes Joesoef Dance Cut also has a personal interest. According to him, pay close attention to Cut Tari family, understanding their children, and has a high responsibility towards the family.

"My wife is a wife who is still responsible. I'm sure my wife is responsible," he said confidently.

Therefore, Joesoef was trying to be wise in addressing this problem of the circulation of pornographic videos. This is all done for the sake of the integrity of the household and the fruit of his heart is still small.

"I actually am learning to understand him, mutual understanding, learn from each other for the better households. I am and he's trying to adjust to each other, and I think this has been going well. I always try going to a better stage," he explained to Kompas.
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